petak, 27. siječnja 2017.

Wampee fruit - nutrition and health beneffits.........from upcomming book " All Secret of Nutrition ".........summer 2017...........

Wampee (Clausen Lansium) - plant of the family Rutaceae, originating from the southern, tropical areas of Asia. Evergreen tree up to 20 meters. It produces a lot of fruit in the form of grape group oval size of 2-3 cm, with the skin yellow or purple (depending on variety). The taste of the fruit is very tasty, sweet with a hint of citrus, longan textured, us most similar taste of white grapes.

Nutritional value: 55 calories ; 1 g of protein; 14 g carbohydrate; excellent source of vitamin C; B vitamins; minerals phosphorus; potassium; calcium; extremely rich in bioactive chemicals and compounds - phenols, flavonoids, organic acids, anthocyanins and tannins.

The healing: Numerous studies have shown that bioactive substances from fruits of this act analgesic - have anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-cancer (especially stomach and liver) and antihipoglycemic action; regulates blood pressure and optimal cholesterol level in the blood; protect the liver, reducing the risk of occurrence and helps patients suffering from hepatitis; helps to regulate the amount of sugar in diabetes; recommended intake for people who are HIV positive; Traditional medicine for treatment bronchitis and asthma; a traditional remedy for infection in the stomach and intestines; preserves and extends the health of the eye; helps those suffering from Parkinson's and Alzheimer disease; tea leaves successfully eliminates dandruff in the hair ..................

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