subota, 21. siječnja 2017.

Diabetes Typ 2 - Anti Diabetes Food................from upcomming book " All Secret OF NUTRITION ".........summer 2017.....

FOOD, PLANTS AND NATURAL medicinal substances that help in diseases and physical disorders

According to the WHO's World Health Organization, there is still no effective medical treatment for one-third of the total 30 000 different diseases that affects people. After the advent of the Internet and its popularization in the world, confidential information about the medicinal ingredients from the heavily guarded recipes major pharmaceutical house, they found numerous widely available foods, plants, substances and compounds that help to cure diseases that do not need surgery.
This fairly extensive list of 100 common diseases and disorders in the work of the human body, will help many people to preventive measures and the use of highly medicinal plants or chemical compounds that gives us nature, preserve health and prolong life. Also you can find out which foods, plants and substances, can help with some psychosomatic and aesthetic problems ..............

DIABETES - ANTI DIABETES FOOD and FOOD IN DIABETES; Foods that reduce the risk of diabetes: Vitamin nicotinamide ribozyme - a form of vitamin B3 with high effects on sugar metabolism and neuroprotection; Javanese PLUM (Syzygium cumin) - WITHIN 30 MINUTES TO REDUCE blood sugar levels up to 30%; Ceylon Cinnamon - lowers blood sugar; Black beans; LENS; BARLEY; OATS; FLAX: Sweet Corn; ; ASPARAGUS; SALAD TYPE lamb's lettuce and Roma; DULSE algae; AVOCADO; Salmon, tuna, anchovies and other FISH northern sea origin; BERRY FRUIT; DRAGON FRUIT; BLACK CHOCOLATE; BLACK COFFEE; NUTS; GENERAL eat food whole grain rich in fiber - chia seeds, flax seeds, oats, quinoa ... ............................. .................................................. .............................. foods low carbohydrate and low glycemic index for people suffering from diabetes :: - lean CHEESE ; WALNUTS; TOMATO; CUCUMBERS; BOW; ROCKET; ASPARAGUS; BEET; cauliflower; BROCCOLI; WHEAT GERM; KALE; SPINACH; Raw carrots; MULBERRY; CHILI; ZUCCHINI; CELERY; ROMA SALAD; mUSHROOMS; HORSERADISH; STRAWBERRIES; BLACKBERRIES; RASPBERRIES; CITRUS; Brown rice; Vegetable soup: Black coffee without Sugar ( lucuma or stevia maybe but little ); Unsweetened green tea; LOSE WEIGHT; Eat healthy foods free from sugars, carbohydrates and fats; Control blood sugar levels; PERMANENT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY

                                                                  Jamblang Fruit

Jamblang / Jambolan (Syzygium cumin) - is an evergreen tropical plant from the family Myrtaceae with areas of India, South Asia to the Philippines and Indonesia. In English dialect is Jamblang known as Javanese plum, although looks most closely resembles guava, however, has a green cuticles. Oval in shape, 2-3 cm long, are mature red-purple, to black colour. The flesh is translucent white and purple colors, and ingredients of the fruit skins tend to paint the language in purple. The taste is tart sweet-sour. It is rich in ellagic acid and its derivatives, anthocyanins and antocyanosides, tannins, alkaloids - the so-called. jambosines; contains a number of polyphenolic antioxidants.
Nutritional characteristics: rich in vitamin C, contains beta-carotene - a vitamin A; iron, manganese and many minerals in small quantities; amino acid; bioactive substances - flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, alkaloids ............
Medicinal benefits: the fruit is rich in vitamin C and iron, which are a tonic for the blood; reduces the risk of cerebral and cardiac disorders and diseases; helps with asthma; good for diabetes - reducing the amount of sugar in the blood up to 30% within 30 minutes; digestive problems - bloating, cramps, diarrhea; detoxifies the liver; antialergetik; anti-inflammatory properties; helps with chronic cough; reduced pain during pregnancy ; GI - 4, very low glycemic index..............

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