srijeda, 11. siječnja 2017.

Dulse ( Palmaria palmata ) - nutritio and helath beneffits......... from the upcomming book " All Secrets of the Nutrition " - part egsotic vegetables

Dulce algae (Palmaria palmata) -  or Scottish sea lettuce is red algae that is in the Scottish kitchen  present for more than 2000 years. It grows on the shores of the Atlantic and the Pacific. It can be found in water to a depth of 20 meters. Upright leaves ferns sprout between the rocks. The leaves can be dark pink/red to red in color, and are quite leathery texture. Harvested when the sea tide in fresh form, dried and used for food. It was found that populations that consume seaweed and ferns live longer and do not suffer so much from chronic diseases as those who prefer classical nutrition/food. Taste fried dulse is very intense and reminds the taste of smoked bacon. It is used as a dressing for salads and making tasty crackers.

Nutritional: nutritional values ​​dulse can be variable depending on the sites/ habitut; in one study in Dulce found 112 different minerals and other nutritional elements; gives between 260 to 320 calories; 7 up to 21 grams of protein (hard digestible -  better apsorbable with simultaneous intake of vitamin C);  aprox. 55 g carbohydrate; 5 -6 g dietary fiber; to 2 g of fat; rich in vitamin B6 - pyridoxine and other B vitamins; vitamins A, C and E, in small quantity ; rich with minerals potassium, iron, iodine necessary for the health of the thyroid gland, magnesium and calcium, trace/small quantity of minerals sodium, zinc, copper, fluorine, an organic thin chrome that helps in the regulation of blood sugar; can contain up to 30 times more potassium than bananas; contains very high amounts of EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids that normally contain in marine fish; the highest percentage of antioxidant polyphenols in relation to all other types of red and green algae;
The healing properties: it helps the thyroid gland; strengthens the immune system; help balances the hormonal quantity; inibrira growth of lipid cells; mineral composition strengthens the skeletal system, joints and cartilage; regulates blood pressure and keeps blood vessels from atherosclerosis; reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack; improves blood composition; maintain and extend the health of the eye; a high percentage of EPA and DHA fatty acids preserves the health of the brain, nervous system and improves memory; excellent antioxidant properties .....

Important Note: Due to extremely high potassium content not recommended for people who have health problems with the kidneys without consulting a doctor ..........

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