nedjelja, 29. siječnja 2017.

Gac fruit - health beneffits and nutrition facts........from upcomming book " All Secret of Nutrition ".........over 100 very health rare fruits

Gac fruit (Momordica cochinchinensis) - is a climbing plant / vine originally from southern China, Vietnam and countries in southern Asia as far sjevernoistočnih parts of Australia. This for us Europeans a little or not at all known fruits in Asia called the "fruit from heaven". Ovate, spiny fruits are first green to ripening acquired orange red. Are 12-15 cm long with a diameter of 10 cm. Taste pulp orange-red color is mild, neutral, perhaps most similar to the taste of avocado. It's not cute and has a mushy texture. Since ancient times, known medicinal fruit in traditional Chinese medicine. Even the seeds incredible healing. However, unlike the pulp and seeds of the fruit peel is toxic.
Nutritional information: provides 80 calories; 2- 2.5 g protein; 18 g carbohydrate; 0.3 -0.5 g of essence healthy long-chain fatty acid; to 2 g fiber; extremely rich in carotenoids - vitamin A, beta-carotene, lycopene and zeaxanthin; vitamins C and E; rich in iron (blood), calcium (bone) and selenium - the nervous system and antioxidant; potassium, sodium and other trace minerals; rich in polyphenols and numerous phytonutrients

Medicinal benefits; because of the richness phytonutrients natural juice pear balm favors children in pre-school development as a dietary supplement because it strengthens the immune system and helps in the proper development of body systems; contains plant protein that has multiple action of the anti-proliferation of cancer cells; Rich is easily absorbed iron, the recommended intake of this fruit in the fight against anemia; reduces the risk of heart disease and dysfunction, maintains the health of the circulatory system - removes harmful cholesterol, reduces the risk of stroke; extending health of the eye; helps with prostate problems - benign prostate; promotes lactation after giving birth; heals burns; rejuvenates body cells and particularly skin - iron wrinkles; encourages weight-loss; juice of this fruit rising energy and eliminates mental and physical fatigue ..... Strengthens reproductive power, primarily in men because it stimulates larger volume of the sperm ............. For residents of China and South Asia excellent foods rich vitamin A with which this part of the world traditionally has problems .... it contains up to 70 times more lycopene in relation to the tomato is indeed a tonic for the bodies of sight ....
One of the latest discovered representatives SUPER fruit.

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