utorak, 24. siječnja 2017.

Varicose Veins and Capillaries.........treatment of problems with natural resources support......

Varicose veins and capillaries - often present the female population ..... REASONS phenomena could be: a Genetic Factor; Due to Pregnancy; OBESITY; Prolonged standing on his feet in the workplace; Inadequate nutrition ................ Somewhere in midlife,  blood vessels in the legs extend, WALL weakened and as a result PRESSURE blood through tiny pores break through BLOOD AND SMALL form the blood vessels, the capillaries........... IF YOU HAVE TO walls of blood  CREATED arteriosclerotic plaque/ clusters,  swell and video through the layers of the skin, feel a burning sensation. FREQUENTLY AND PAIN ....... In serious cases they caused reasons  MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH vein thrombosis ...................                                                       Assistance and Treatment naturally way: WEAR SPECIAL compression stockings which you can get DOCTOR; Gently massage upward move TO USE OLIVE OIL; More physically active to improve blood circulation; THE quality food CAUSE reduced synthesis of homocysteine ​​in the body that the promoter inflammatory conditions - sea fish, nuts and berries, garlic, turmeric, ginger, etc ...... increase your intake of vitamin C and E, beta carotene and antioxidants ... ......... reduce the intake of animal fat .................................... .................................................. ...............................................
.We Recommend SE: intake of fruits and vegetables rich in rutin, quercetin and HESPEREDINOM - black grapes, red wine, orange, citrus, green tea, soy ..............royal jelly and propolis...... ............... seed extract of red grapes ........................... EXTRAKT FROM FRENCH PEEL maritime pine (Pinus sylvestris) ................................ chestnut extract contains the active ingredient escin that operates vasoprotective INTERFERENCE ACTIVITIES an enzyme that causes damage to the wall of blood vessels ................................... EXTRACT Indian herb gotu kola WHO RICH triterpenoids that strengthen the walls of blood vessels ................................. EXTERNAL pad soaked in witch hazel tea (Hamamelis virginiana) whose active ingredients, mainly tannins act as ADSTRAGENT, so I stop the flow of blood from the blood vessels; MASSAGE apple vinegar ................ gently massage oil of lavender, rosemary, olive oil, chamomile oil, etc. .................. .mercy, we see you again..........

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