utorak, 10. siječnja 2017.

bioflavonoids - anti-cancer substances in food.............from upcomming comprehensive book " All Secrets of Nutrition "

Flavonoids or bioflavonoids - are plant compounds with activity similar vitamins after plants / fruits that contain them are entered in the human body .. Most of flavonoid derivatives flavones, plant pigments that plants or fruits fruits determine the color. According to the structure of the ketone polyhydroxy polyphenolic compounds, glycosides, are associated with different molecules of sugar. In addition to commonly determine the color of fruit, bioflavonoids keep the plants from disease; insects; bacterium; fungi; the damaging action of the UV rays and other species. Plants can produce flavonoids which act on other plants (allelopathy). In this way you some plants, its fitotoksičnošću, clean environment from the presence of weeds for example. Bioflavonoid found in fruits, fruits and vegetables, roots, leaves, seeds, tea, wine and so on. To date there are more than 5000 different bioflavonoids and isomers thereof (some 40 only in the white pulp with bark and flesh of the fruit citrus + even 30 odd species of plant in the family Asteraceae - aster in belonging chamomile, stevia, yarrow, immortelle ....).
The biosynthesis of flavonoids is part of the mechanism known as fenilpropanoidni time. The most important precursors for the synthesis of the organic phenolic shikimic acid, amino acids phenylalanine and malonyl-CoA, citrate derivative produced in the citric acid cycle. Phenolic acids are derivatives resulting from cinnamic and benzoic acids. Bioflavonoids are phenolic compounds possessing 15 carbon atoms, and can be divided into several groups or groups that differ from one another sugar groups. The bioflavonoids belong flavones and isoflavones; flavonolignans; anthocyanins; flavanonoli; flavan; flavan 3,4 - diols; flavonols, chalcones and dihydrochalcons. Fruit fruits and plants with extremely bright colors are rich in bioflavonoids.

By entering into the human body with positive effects which are partially or entirely (depending on other factors) transmissions to humans. The biggest drawback is the poor solubility in the body, that is a small percentage of absorption and their transfer to the blood composition.
Bioflavonoids have extremely strong antioxidant activity and are also touted as " good guys " of the human body -protect and extend the life of the body's cells, tissues and organs . Prevent or reduce the oxidation of lipid, protein damage, damage to the nucleic acid, and thus reduces the risk of accumulation of mutant / cell deformed. You are excellent "catchers" of molecules of heavy metals that effectively kicked out of the human body. Reduce the risk of cancer clusters, slowing growth and metastasis of tumor cells, participate in the process of destroying tumor cells to complete healing. The process consists of interrupting and stopping the action of enzymes and proteins of tumors. Due to the lack of signaling between tumor cells, the tumor is dying out or stops spread / metastasize. At least 22 bioflavonoids have the capacity to destroy tumor cells. A further positive effect of their inflammatory effect. For human health is the most important of their strong antitumor effect .. Also bioflavonoids maintain health and strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, and thus help maintain the health of the heart muscle and brain. They are capable of changing activity of certain enzymes, the impact on the underlying biochemical pathways. Their input, together with vitamins, plant enzymes and plant hormones contribute to their strength and healing.
The highest quality sources are fruits and vegetables with bright colors and a large number of plant pigments and chlorophyll (the largest quantities are almost mandatory in use by many for fear of pesticides peel); parsley leaves; broccoli; spinach; celery; cabbage in general; hawthorn; pomegranate; red wine; dry core, apricot kernel and core bitter almond; dry prunes; berries fruit and seeds of red grapes; green tea; milk thistle; cocoa.
The recommended minimum daily intake is 150-250 mg for children older than 7 years, or 200-250 mg for adults. Since excessive intake of bioflavonoids no harmful or unpleasant digestive side effects.

Given the way the formation of bioflavonoids divided into 9 groups: flavones; flavonols; flavanones; dihidroflavoni; flavan - 3,4-diol; flavan - 3 schools; anthocyanins; proanthocyanidins and isoflavonoids ...

Some of around 30 described bioflavonoids:

       Quercetin - as a precursor to most flavonoids called the "King of flavonoids" .... Its structural components serve as a skeleton on which builds several molecules to create routines, kaempferol, hesperedin and others.
... Clear advantage of this flavonoid is its 24-hour continuous antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial action of the. Unlike most bioflavonoids quercetin is found in all fruits and vegetables, in grains, in tea and so on. The plants produce it to protect them from attacks by insects and larvae of parasites (for them the appearance of a toxin) .. Induced quercetin plants produce after they are attacked by pathogenic elements (stress reaction). The human body is primarily an antioxidant and an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that blocks numerous infections but in the appearance of the first symptoms. It prevents the occurrence of clots in the bloodstream. In the human body effectively blocks the formation of substances responsible for the occurrence of colitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Participates in the process of reducing high levels of harmful cholesterol and thus multi protects heart health, or reduces the risk of developing a heart attack. Quercetin is effective sensitizer hyperthermia, which can be potentially used as a therapeutic in the treatment Agentin different types of cancers that are sensitive to thermal stress - colon adenocarcinoma; breast cancer; prostate; ovary; cervical cancer or cervical cancer: leukemia, etc. Protects skin from harmful UV rays. Reduces high blood pressure. Great for the occurrence of so-called. hay fever.
Foods that are richest in quercetin: onions contain several times larger amount of any source of quercetin - 300 mg / kg; skin of red apples; Berry fruit; cabbage; Green and black tea; citrus; broccoli; black wine; grapes; parsley; seeds; ginkgo biloba; olives

Dihydroquercentin or taxophiline - Taxifolin - is flavanonol, one of the many members of the family of flavonoids. It is considered the most powerful antioxidants in nature. Unlike other such antioxidants is resistant to oxidation and the action of light. It is found in milk thistle, in vinegar / secretion cherry wood; Siberian larch; immortelle and onion ... melanogenesis inhibitor of the cell, stimulation of stabilizing fibrous collagen without any toxic and carcinogenic side effects exhibited by other mediators, which are used in the treatment of ovarian cancer and breast cancer. In the human body effectively protects the blood vessels, liver and protects skin cells from harmful radiation. In addition to all the above, in medicine for use in the cure of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the bronchi and the like.

 ORAChydro- ability to absorb and neutralize harmful oxygen radicals to water-soluble substances - seen many times more antioxidant activity dihydroquercentin compared to all known vitamins C and E

Dihydroquercentin 95% purity 32.74
Dihydroquercentin 94% purity 21.94
Dihydroquercentin 92-93% purity 19,925
Dihydroquercentin 88-90% purity 15,155
luteolin 12.1
quercetin 10.9
Vitamin C 2.1
Vitamin E 1.3

According to the table it is evident that the purest form of dihydroquercentin has 25 times more antioxidant effect with respect to vitamin E .....

        Myricetin - the flavonoid by structure similar to quercetin, luteolin and fisetin. Net isolated myricetin a yellow powder crystal structure. The precursor for the formation of myricetin is taxophiline / dihydroquercetin, one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature (Siberian larch bark, milk thistle, the outer shell of onion; red and black currants, berries, red grapes, walnuts ..) is known for its multiple antioxidant and prooksidansnom action. The inhibitor of the growth and metastasis of cancer cells in the breast and ovaries; protects healthy and damaged cells from cancer-causing mutations - especially in the skin cells; reduces the effects of oxidative stress on neurons, the cells of the central nervous system - is suitable for the treatment of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease; antiviral and antibacterial action of the; accelerates wound healing; stimulates the growth of new cells and tissues; reduces the activity of enzyme complexes that cause the occurrence of inflammation; an inhibitor of the synthesis is excessive histamine and other mediators of inflammation - the expression of an inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor - alpha, cytokines that stimulate inflammatory response and participate in inflammatory diseases; strengthens the walls of capillaries and other blood vessels; reduces granulation erythrocytes and the appearance of a thrombus .......

.....my apologize for the grammar errors ................................ text in the book to pass quality English translation and Proofreading.....................thanks for visit............

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