srijeda, 1. ožujka 2017.

Most Beautiful Sportive Luxury Men Shoes vol.II,,,,,,,,,,,louis leeman, dieme, clae....

Clae.......founded in L.A. 2001.............standard price 70-150 euros

Rick Owens Shoes/ Sneakers,,,,,,,R.O. is american fashion designer from California,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,price 500 - 1200 dollars,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Louis Leeman Paris, men  Shoes......Louis Leeman is Dutch Designer ..........price of the shoes ...500-1000 euros

Dieme Shoes.........Italy....founded brothers Dennis and Maico Signor after experience in fashion house M.M. Margiela, Chanel etc......price 300-550 dollars

Philipp Plein, .....Swiss Brand - menager and designer Philipp Plein from Germany..................price.........300 - 2000 euros....

srijeda, 1. veljače 2017.

Safou/ Ube/ African plum - health benefits and nutrition value..........from upcomming book " All Secret of Nutrition "........incl. over 500 nutrition...+...vitamins, minerals, amino acid, fatty acid, proteins, flavonoids, anti nutrition..etc...........5 years work about book..............

Safou / Ube / African plum (Dacryodes edulis) - is a plant indigenous African fruitful tree that grows in tropical, humid forests of the equatorial belt, from the central to the western  states of Africa. The originally is probably from Nigeria. The fruit is elliptical shape, with dark blue to dark pink peel. The flesh is fatty, creamy, nutritionally rich and could in the future become a potential source of food made accessible for the hungry or malnourished people in Africa. In addition to fruit, and the whole tree has commercial value. The fruit can be eaten raw or in cooked form when is very tender and take on an oily texture and taste of butter. In addition to the nutritional benefits, Safou also offers plenty of medicinal benefits.
Nutritional information: provides the energy equivalent of about 230 calories; 14 g protein; 48 g carbohydrate; 10-20 grams of fiber - depending on maturity; vitamins A and C; B vitamins trace; minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and trace minerals; very rich in fatty acids - linolenic, linoleic, oleic, stearic and palmitic; extremely rich in bioactive phytochemicals - flavonoids; tannins; terpenes; alkaloids; saponins; seeds are rich in essential and non-essential amino acids .....

Medicinal benefits: the nutritional and health aspects of an excellent substitute for heavy food because it contains almost all vitamins except that it can enter through other sources; helps in the treatment of sickle cell anemia; helps to cure angina; anticancer activity; food for the cells of the brain and the entire nervous system + antioxidant activity in regions of the nervous system; helps to maintain normal blood pressure; helps with constipation and cleanses the digestive system of harmful toxins and waste products; regular intake of this fruit health benefits skin ...................

Noni or Morinda/ Indian mulberry - health beneffits and nutrition value.......from upcomming book .." All Secrets of Nutrition Science ".............part of the book...exotic fruit...........

Noni or Indian mulberry (Morinda citrifolia) - is known by various names - Morinda, nunaakai, pace and noni. This plant is from the same family as the coffee - Rubiaceae, genus Gentianales. It grows wild, grows mainly in the mineral-rich volcanic soil and does not require any care. This low tree high 3-6 meters bears fruit and harvesting throughout the year. The fruits are initially white to achieve during ripening yellow. Coarse are smelly. In this way, actually attracts many ants, which protect the plant from insects and parasites. Hailing from the Pacific Islands, so that in India; Hawaii; Tahiti and throughout Polynesia has always been used as a folk remedy for many diseases. He has the title of pain killers each origin (70% effectiveness of morphine). It contains 50 biologically active, nutritious and over 100 medicinal substances, minerals and compounds. The extract of noni pulp in combination with any other fruit gives famous noni juice that is now possible to buy all over the world.

Nutritional information: rich in beta carotene, B vitamins and vitamin E; about minerals containing calcium; magnesium; iron; sulfur; potassium; rich in dietary fiber. The thing that stands out is the fact that it contains up to 800 times more proxeronine compared to pineapple. Proxeronine is a precursor to the creation of xeronine, an alkaloid that is most responsible for the restoration of all the molecules in the cells of the human body. He is the most powerful regulator of cell metabolism known to date. Strengthens the immune system, helps damaged cells to recover as quickly as possible and encourages the exchange of substances in the body. Xeronine stimulates the secretion of endorphins and serotonin that cause enthusiasm, good mood, a serotonin inhibitor is also feeling the pain. A beneficial effect on the unpleasant symptoms with PMS, menopause and andropause. Xeronine protects the body from the appearance of tumors, and slows the growth of cancer cells to other people-. Especially the positive effects observed in lung cancer, liver, kidney, and breast cancer. Noni ingredients stimulate the synthesis of larger molecules of nitric oxide which is effective in destroying cancer cells and stop the metastasis to other parts of the same body.

Scopoletin and isoskopoletin from Noni enhance the functionality of the thyroid gland and effectively reduces high blood pressure.

A multitude of compounds with antioxidant such as quercetin, kaempferol, plant lignan pinoresinol, vanillic acid, and the other, its powerful and long-lasting action of the cells of the human body are rejuvenated. Encourages greater production of leukocytes and he himself has a strong antibacterial activity.
Noni contains as many as 18 different amino acids so that the true elixir for active athletes.
In modern medicine used for the treatment of gout; to reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol; in the treatment of damaged liver; reducing the symptoms of arthritis; depression .... Ingredients Noni are raw materials for making the best cream for cleansing the skin of eczema, for healthy and abundant hair, healthy nails.

Traditional medicated properties reduces the feeling of pain even with serious injuries;
calming colic; convulsions; cough; diabetes; painful urination; stimulate menstrual bleeding; pyretic; liver disease; cures constipation; reduces vaginal discharge during pregnancy; against malaria. Also in Hawaii, the Caribbean, India used for smallpox; enlarged spleen; asthma; arthritis and other health problems of bones and joints; the symptoms caused by cancer; cataracts; colds; depression; digestive problems, and gastric ulcers. Other uses include infection, kidney disease, migraine, premenstrual syndrome, stroke, pain and sedation.

Fruit juice is used for arthritis, diabetes, muscle aches and pain, menstrual problems, headaches, heart disease, AIDS, cancer, ulcers, sprains, depression, senility, poor digestion, atherosclerosis, circulation problems and generating some dependency medicines. It is known that the juice of the noni stimulates digestion in a manner that promotes fat burning night and their conversion into energy.

The leaves are used in drugs for rheumatic pain and swelling in the joints, abdominal pain, dysentery and swelling caused by a parasitic infection called Filariasis. Tea made from the bark is used in traditional medicine in preparation for assistance in childbirth.
Noni is one of the plants that can cause harmful side effects if it is introduced together with stimulants of any other kind.

utorak, 31. siječnja 2017.

Eucommia ulmoides - health benefits....................from upcomming book " All Secret of Nutrition "..........part of book ...Healthy food supplements..

Eucommia ulmoides - extracts from the bark of Eucommia in., China's rubber wood - Du Zhong, a traditional painkillers, swelling, weakness and joint stiffness. This plant is jein species Eucommia. The extract is rich in phytochemicals such as iridoids, pinoresinol, astragalin, diglycosides, lignans, tannins, bioflavonoids, mainly phenolic acids and calcium. Not used when a sick condition occurs, it is used as a dietary supplement in order to prevent damage or disease conditions in bones and joints. Reduces the risk of osteoarthritis in later years of life and women in critical postmenstrual period. Effectively reduce the degradation of cartilage tissue and stimulates its regeneration.
It also reduces the risk of the formation of amyloid protein and their cytotoxicity to brain neurons, one of the main factors of neuroinflammatory conditions, are the promoter of the appearance of degenerative diseases of the nervous system. Off course, good activity to Perkinsona and Alzheimers disease is included,  Such action also improves memory and cognitive abilities. Reduces the risk of developing lupus - the situation when the immune system attacks healthy cells of your own body. Tea leaves euccomie helps with treatment to reduce body weight.
The extract from the bark of euccomie successfully lowers high blood pressure, levels of toxic fat in the liver, increases blood circulation to the reproduction organs, increases the body's energy, has a beneficial effect on overall metabolism ...........

nedjelja, 29. siječnja 2017.

Gac fruit - avantages pour la santé et la composition nutritionnelle.........du livre, qui est bientôt de vendre " Tous les secrets de la nutrition"

Gac fruits (Momordica cochinchinensis) - est une plante grimpante / vigne originaire du sud de la Chine, le Vietnam et les pays en Asie du Sud Les parties dans la mesure sjevernoistočnih de l'Australie. Ceci pour nous, Européens, un peu ou pas de fruits du tout connus en Asie ont appelé le «fruit du ciel». Ovate, fruits épineux sont d'abord vert à maturation rouge orangé acquise. Sont de 12-15 cm de long avec un diamètre de 10 cm. pulpe de goût rouge-orange couleur est douce, neutre, peut-être le plus semblable au goût de l'avocat. Il est pas mignon et a une texture spongieuse. Depuis les temps anciens, connus fruits médicinales dans la médecine traditionnelle chinoise. Même les graines de guérison incroyable. Cependant, contrairement à la pulpe et les graines de la peau du fruit est toxique.

Information nutritionnelle: fournit 80 calories; 2- protéines 2,5 g; 18 g de glucides; 0,3 -0,5 g d'essence acide sain gras à chaîne longue; à 2 g de fibres; extrêmement riche en caroténoïdes - la vitamine A, le bêta-carotène, le lycopène et la zéaxanthine; les vitamines C et E; riche en fer (sang), le calcium (os) et de sélénium - le système nerveux et antioxydant; potassium, de sodium et d'autres oligo-éléments; riche en polyphénols et de nombreux phytonutriments
avantages médicinaux; en raison de la richesse phytonutriments jus naturel poire baume favorise les enfants dans le développement pré-scolaire comme supplément alimentaire, car il renforce le système immunitaire et aide dans le bon développement des systèmes de l'organisme; contient des protéines végétales qui a une action multiple de la lutte contre la prolifération des cellules cancéreuses; Rich est facilement absorbé le fer, l'apport recommandé de ce fruit dans la lutte contre l'anémie; réduit le risque de maladie cardiaque et le dysfonctionnement, maintient la santé du système circulatoire - élimine le mauvais cholestérol, réduit le risque d'accident vasculaire cérébral; étendre la santé de l'oeil; aide à des problèmes de prostate - bénigne de la prostate; favorise l'allaitement après l'accouchement; guérit les brûlures; rajeunit les cellules du corps et en particulier la peau - rides de fer; encourage la perte de poids; jus de cette énergie croissante de fruits et élimine la fatigue mentale et physique ..... renforce le pouvoir de reproduction, surtout chez les hommes, car il stimule le sperme volume ............. Pour les résidents de la Chine et l'Asie du Sud excellents aliments riches vitamine a avec laquelle cette partie du monde a des problèmes traditionnellement .... il contient jusqu'à 70 fois plus de lycopène par rapport à la tomate est en effet un tonique pour les organes de la vue ....
Une des dernières découvertes  représentants de SUPER fruit.